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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SKY plaster of paris 19
SLF building bricks of trus 35, 36, 37
SLOAN'S +face of man 5
SLYLY SIMPLE +cartoon of do 30, 43
SMARTUR +cartoon of boy 9
SMARTY PET +cartoon of dog 31
SMC a symbol of quality 19
SN +face of tiger 30
SNOW BEAR +cartoon of bear 3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 21
SNOW WHITE plaster of paris 19
SOBISCO taset of good healt 30
SOFT-school of financial te 41
SOFTYS a touch of emotion 28
SOMANI a house of suiting 24
SOMO PLAST plaster of paris 19
SOS symbol of safety 9
SOTC 1001 holidays of india 39, 42
SOTC holidays of india 39, 42
SOUTH SHILPY taste of south 43
SPARSH the touch of life 42
SPEZZATO colours of passion 25
SPRINGER language of scienc 9, 16, 35, 39, 41
SPRINT spirit of leadership 9
SPUKIES +cartoon of chef 43
SRI RAM +face of man 7
SRI SRI the art of living 14, 16, 18, 27
SRIRAM +ear of corn 1
SS symbol of quality +plant 30
SSB sangam school of busine 41
SSB taste of the temple cit 30
ST. MARTIN'S house of tea 30
STARCHIK +cartoon of bird 29
STEP-I the power of interne 9
STERLAANS +cartoon of girl 25
STYMERRA +cartoon of man 25
SUDDENLY +cartoon of monkey 16, 25, 28, 30, 41
SUGAR BUZZ +cartoon of bee 16, 17, 21, 25, 30, 35
SUGARAJ a mixture of cereal 30
SUMANGALI +face of girl 5
SUN-SIPS +cartoon of drop 5
SUNBABY +cartoon of bird 28
SUNSHINE +face of chef 29, 30
SUPER K +cartoon of boys 41
SUPER K +cartoons of boy 16
SUPER k +cartoons of boy 25, 30
SUPHALA +ears of corn 1
SURAKSHA the name of servic 11
SWIFT DRY +cartoon of child 20
SYMOL +cartoon of boy 5
T +cartoon of bear 25
T TABOO +cartoon of man 25
T.S.L +photograph of child 26
TADKA taste of difference 42
TAMLA +cartoon of elephant 9, 16, 38, 42
TAPOVAN a mint of taste 30
TAPTI collection of art 14
TARANG a place of freedom 16
TARKA the taste of punjab 29
TAURUS +face of cow 12
TAZO reincarnation of tea 32
TCF the colour of fashion 25
TECHN science of finance 36
TECUMSEH +face of indian ma 7
TEEN MURTI +heads of ladies 9
TEST ROCKER +cartoon of owl 41
TEXCRAFT +bust of girl 25
THAKAR mark of quality +ova 32
THE BANANAS-home of pan piz 42
THE FARIYAS group of hotels 33
THE ICFAI journal of applie 9
THE ICFAI journal of bankin 41
THE MALL of west delhi +ova 37
THE TRIBE +cartoon of man 9
THE power of i 41
THE power of muscles +rhino 7
THEO KIDS +cartoon of boy 41
TIA institute of accountant 16
TIGER +face of girl 3
TIGER TIM +face of tiger 42
TIJF journal of finance 16
TIMES +cartoon of man 9
TINA +cartoons of girl 9
TINY FEET +cartoon of tiger 41
TIVO +cartoon of tv 9, 35, 38, 41
TONY +cartoon of tiger 25
TOUCHINGS of india 29
TPI a figt of nature +arrow 19
TRUE VA power of innovation 9
TRUMPCARD +ace of clubs 35
TWB center of excellence 41
TWE the world of education 35
TYCOON house of jainsons 18
UCMAS +cartoon of woman 41
UFD unique fashion of denim 25
UN UNION BANK of india 9, 12, 18, 19, 24, 25, 35, 38, 39, 41, 42
UNCLE JABS +cartoon of man 29
UNICHEF +cartoon of chef 11
UNION BANK of india 12, 18, 19, 24, 25, 35, 38, 39, 41, 42
UNISHIP group of companies 35
UNITED colors of benetton 3
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